If you believe you’re destined for greatness, Sherry is the woman who can help you get there.
— Caroline Guntur CEO, The Swedish Organizer


  • What inspired the name "Exponential Experience" for this program? Envision growth unfolding in a linear manner—it's gradual and incremental 1, 2, 3, 4. On the contrary, exponential growth resembles a rocket launch, with progress compounding rapidly 2, 4, 16, 256. When your subconscious beliefs harmonize with your conscious desires, the potential for exponential growth in every area of your life becomes possible!

  • I use my unique skills and my signature Tap into Power™ Method to go deeper than you’ve ever gone before. We’ll uncover limiting subconscious beliefs impacting your professional and personal relationships and change them faster and easier than you ever believed possible.

  • If you want to experience world-class personal and professional relationships and create a life filled with purpose, joy and meaning, let’s connect for a free, no-obligation consult to ensure we’re a fit for one another.

  • I work with a limited number of select clients to be 100% present, laser-focused and available to you.

  • The Exponential Experience is a high-touch, comprehensive and profoundly powerful coaching program. It is tailored to your unique needs, as your subconscious limiting beliefs are specific to you. You will undergo a profound transformation in your self-relationship, shifting your professional and personal connections, enhancing your professional expertise and leadership, boosting confidence, alleviating stress, refining communication abilities, and improving overall effectiveness.

  • Here's a breakdown of what the Exponential Experience includes: 

    • Total Hours: 50 hours of coaching (hours distributed between scheduled sessions & support).

    • Scheduled Sessions: Sessions are approximately two hours each, delivered via phone or Zoom.

    • Cost: $59,000 for the entire program (payment plans are available upon request).