Hi, I’m Sherry…

I am an extraordinary relationship expert for heart-centered high-achievers who want to experience world-class personal and professional relationships.

I use my unique skills and Tap into Power Method™ to get results faster and easier than you ever believed possible!


Experiencing world-class professional and personal relationships requires a deep commitment to inner exploration.

In relationships, actions convey truth more authentically than words, and these actions stem from your subconscious beliefs. My unique skills and Tap into Power Method™ help you access your subconscious mind so that you can align your actions with your words and experience almost unbelievable results.

What would it feel like to be respected, cherished, and admired by everyone who is meaningful to you?

When I discovered EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, I had already spent thirty years trying everything mainstream and alternative that I could find to be who I knew in my heart that I was meant to be. Still, everything that I tried required tremendous energy, effort and focus. It was like I was always paddling upstream.

Those three decades of knowledge and experience I accumulated all had value, yet they never provided consistent, lasting, exponential results. Initially, I was skeptical because EFt tapping seemed too simplistic. However, it has consistently delivered unbelievable, lasting results faster than I imagined. My personal and professional life feels like I'm easily flowing downstream now.

Don’t wait thirty years to be who you were always meant to be, because anything is possible when you align your wants with your subconscious beliefs!

A few other things about me:

  • I don’t just want to give you relief. I’m deeply committed to your transformation!

  • I'm an obsessive learner who loves to read books and geek out on neuroscience.

  • I believe equity, diversity and inclusion make our world a better place.

  • Two books that continue to influence me are “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey and “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen.

  • I love people, animals, plants, flowers and trees.

  • I'm just as comfortable in a pencil skirt and heels as a jean jacket and work boots.

  • I love laughing and playing board games.

  • I've been married to the love of my life, Evan, for thirty-six years now.

  • I'm the proud mother of our wonderful adult twin girls, Alex and Cassy.

  • When I’m not helping my clients, you’ll find me getting ‘muddy’ in my pottery studio or enjoying our beautiful acreage.


If you would like to get to know me a little better, move your cursor over the below pictures to read what each image is.